
Mag. Theodor Andreas Haberhauer

Systemischer Einzel,- Paar,- und Familientherapeut, Kinder- u Jugendtherapeut, Multifamilientherapie Trainer

Mag. Theodor Andreas Haberhauer

Psychotherapist (Systemic Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy), Child and Adolescent Therapist, Psycho-oncologist, Multifamily Therapy Trainer



various training courses on the topic of chemsex self-help, German Aids Service Organization Berlin
Children- and Adolescent Therapy
Multifamilytherapy Trainer Certificate
Mag. Psychotherapy sience- Systemic family therapy Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna/ ÖAS
Cancer specific lectures at CCC school Vienna
Therapy with children Workshop at „Kinderhilfswerk Wien“
BA. psychotherapysience- Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna/ Arge Bildungsmanagement Wien
classes in advertising at Harcum college PA
classes in anglistics-, philosphy University of Vienna
Anglistik-, Philosophie Studium Universität Wien
BORG (seniorhighschool) Hegelgasse 14, Vienna graduated with AHS- Matura
BG & BRG Theodor Kramerstraße 3, Vienna

May I introduce myself

After realizing the need and importance of emotional support due to the loss of my parents in my childhood, it was clear to me after spending some time abroad where I could work and deal intensively with children- that I actually want to become a therapist myself.
During numerous internships in inpatient and outpatient areas, my professional desire continued to manifest itself.
Since working at the association “Rettet das Kind NÖ” from 2015 until 2022, a youth welfare and social services organization, i started focusing on child- and family therapy intensely.I often notice in my work, that the position of children, adolescents and adults are often forgotten and their needs and concerns seem incomprehensible or difficult to explain. Both sides, children ass well as adults, often feel misunderstood which lead to further misunderstandings and conflicts.
I have therefore set myself the task of giving my hearing and voice to the youngest of us in particular, in order to work together with the whole family system to support solutions and ideas for all.
Another priority topic of mine is the LGTBQI community. In addition to several years working at “Buddy Verein”, I am specialized on the subject of “Chemsex” after being in a working group organized by the AIDS Help Vienna since 2018.
I also offer psychonocology for former or acute patients and their relatives. Especially in severe life crises, an external accompaniment can work as a valuable resource. Cancer is never just a diagnosis for one person, but always a disease for the collective system. Together, shock and fear can be taken better and a dealings and a strategy for it can be found.
I never will take your trust in my work for granted. I will try my very best to support your belief in change, and your courage of  confronting yourself with your inner habits. As your therapist, I see myself as a companion and feel grateful for the experiences I can make by working with my patients.
I very much appreciate your decision on psychotherapy and look forward to meeting you.

Professional & Private Experience


from 2024: Therapeutic activity: individual, couple and family therapy, group practice Trattnerhof 2/201, 1010 Vienna


Establishment of the Ease group practice, therapeutic work in individual, couple and family therapy, Klinggasse 11/4, 3420 Klosterneuburg

Lecture on Team Co-Parenting at the Regenbogenfamilienzentrum Wien

Participation in various podcasts on the subject of chemsex

Interview with GILEAD on the topic of HIV in interdisciplinary exchange

from 2023: Organization and implementation of monthly online family empowerment discussion groups in cooperation with the Familychip Berlin association


2022-2023: Therapeutic activity Individual, couple, family therapy; Institut für Systemische Therapie (IST), Am Heumarkt 9/2/22, 1030 Wien

from 2022: Organization and implementation of monthly ChemsexTalk groups in cooperation with the Andocstelle Vienna association and the Courage Vienna association

2022-2023: therapeutic work in individual, couple and family therapy at the Institute for Systemic Therapy (IST), Am Heumarkt 9/2/22, 1030 Vienna


Birth of my son


Multifamily Group for Rainbow families in association with Verein FamOs and “Regenbogenfamilienzentrum Wien”.

Lecture on Multifamilientherapie at Josefinum Viktring, Kärnten


Lecture on Multifamilytherapy at FH- Campus Wien, Lehrgang Familienzentrierte Sozialarbeit

Jour Fixe lecture on Multifamilientherapie at Lehranstalt für systemische Familientherapie Wien (LASF)


Lectures on Multifamilientherapie an der FH- Campus Wien und der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität (SFU), Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für systemische Therapie und systemische Studien (ÖAS)


Organization and Leadership of a 4 month MFA Project with Rettet das Kind NÖ und der Jugendhilfe Korneuburg/ Tulln in Stockerau


2015 - 2022: Family Home Visits, Rettet das Kind

2015 - 2022: Private Practice on Systemic Family Therapy, 1050 Vienna

from 2017: ÖH Student Government Adviser for private Universities

until 2016: Therapist at Sigmund Freud Outpatient Clinic, 1010 Vienna

3 months evaluation and research for my Master thesis on Multifamilytherapy at Familien Anlauf Berlin, Germany

1 month evaluation and research for my Master thesis on Multifamilytherapy at Albert Schweitzer Kinderdorf Hanau, Germany


until 2015: 6 months internship with socialtheraphy groups at the Lois Holzman- "East Side Institute" New York, NY

7 months internship at the General Hospital Vienna, University Clinics, „clinic for cancer and hamatology“


04/2012 - 07/2014: internship as helpercell at „Buddy Verein Vienna

3 months internship „Caristas grouphouse for people with disabilities“

Settings of therapy

Individual Therapy
Personal development, self-awareness or individual therapy for everybody who wants to discuss their concerns 1:1.

Individual Therapy

Couple Therapy

Couple Therapy
Couple conflicts and sexual or general concerns can be discussed individually with me or in a co- therapy setting with my colleague Kollegin Pia Födinger

Family Therapy

Family Therapy
Because everything is connected with each other and things are related, in this setting we can work all together as well as alternately with each individual.

Children & Adolescents Therapy

Children & Adolescents Therapy
I want to give children and young people a hearing. I focus on them and shed a light on their position and point of view within in the greater family context.